Derek Holmstead
Areas of Expertise:
Air Permitting and Compliance, California Mobile Fleet Rules, Process Safety Management
Representative Industries:
Oil Refining, Paper Production, Explosives Manufacturing, Aerospace
Office: 281-806-5826
Certifications and Trade Associations:
CARB accredited Lead Verifier, Low Carbon Fuel Standard program
CARB accredited Lead Verifier, AB32 Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
B.S. Chemical Engineering, Brigham Young University
Boise, ID
Personal Interest:
I enjoy finding good food, DIY projects, and playing guitar. I also enjoy exploring and hiking with my family
Derek has direct experience in environmental management, safety programs, and technical consulting services to a broad spectrum of industrial and commercial clients across the United States. His project experience includes environmental management of air quality compliance programs, air quality permitting, hazardous waste tracking, Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) reporting, Title V facility reporting, regulatory compliance analyses/auditing, risk management plans (RMP), process safety management (PSM) program support/auditing, process hazard analysis (PHA) facilitation/documentation, and computer spreadsheet applications.