GHG Report Verification - Power Plants
Business Objective
Facilities in California that emit over 25,000 metric tons of CO2e must quantify and report greenhouse gas emissions; unlike smaller facilities, all such reports are to be independently verified. ALG was contracted to perform the verification of the CARB greenhouse gas reports for three of a power agency's power plants. Site visits to each facility were required as part of the verification process.
Technical Approach
ALG is an accredited verification body with substantial expertise in electricity generating units (EGU). Our understanding of industrial operations derives from direct permitting, auditing, and compliance projects that we have performed for scores of industrial operations. Coupled with a solid command of AB32/GHG reporting and verification requirements, our staff can efficiently review and audit GHG emissions data. Following submittal of the necessary conflict of interest and notification paperwork and receipt of approval from CARB, ALG provided the client with a preliminary data needs list. An initial review of the data was performed and site visits were scheduled. Further data analysis revealed some calculation errors and reporting nonconformance, which were relayed to the client.
The revised reports were re-verified and found to have no non-conformances or material misstatements. Because the three site visits were able to be consolidated into two days, and data requests were fulfilled promptly and completely, the verification was performed in fewer hours than originally budgeted. The project was billed on a time-and-materials basis, thereby providing the client substantial savings.