Air Quality Impacts
What Framework Does ALG Use to Conduct Air Quality Impact Assessments (AQIA)?
ALG routinely works with local air quality management districts to prepare AQIA's as part of air quality permitting. ALG is versed in the criteria established by the applicable local air quality management agency and/or lead agency, and has established tools and reporting protocols to submit the AQIAs in conformance with agency requirements.
Model Framework
The ALG team is experienced in the major modeling software commonly used in conducting air quality impact analyses:
HARP Risk Assessment Tool;
AERMOD Air Dispersion Model - EPA Preferred steady-state plume model;
AERSCREEN - EPA recommended screening model used to produce worst-case 1-hour concentrations for a single source;
VISCREEN - EPA recommended screening model to calculate the potential emissions impact for certain transport and dispersion conditions;
CALPUFF - Non-steady-state meteorological and air quality modeling system;
What Types of Projects Require an AQIA?
ALG provides the following air quality impact assessment services:
Criteria pollutant emissions estimation and modeling;
Evaluating carbon monoxide and other pollutant "hot spots";
Assessing impacts from odors and other nuisances;
Evaluating cancer and non-cancer effects associated with air toxics;
Determining project-level as well as cumulative impacts;
Looking at impacts associated with project operation as compared to project construction;
Incorporating emissions associated with stationary, mobile, and area-wide emission sources;
Assessing project consistency with applicable air quality plans, rules, and policies;
Identifying opportunities to reduce impacts to a less than significant level